June 01, 2024

The First MINIBOSS Branch in Taipei, Taiwan

MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, an international educational network and part of the International Business Academy Consortium (United Kingdom), proudly announces the opening of its first branch in Taipei, Taiwan.

Exclusive Training for Young Entrepreneurs

Starting in September 2024, the first 100 students will have the opportunity to join this unique training programme. The number of places is limited, so it is essential to apply as soon as possible. Classes are held in-person on Saturdays: 2 hours per week in the first half of the year, and 3-4 hours in the second half.

Comprehensive Personal Development and Practical Experience

Each student receives a special study guide. Throughout the year, they visit major global companies and learn about dozens of successful projects. There is no equivalent to this system in terms of completeness and creativity of material presentation.

Long-term Perspective

Founded in 2000, MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL offers eight areas for comprehensive personal development. IBAC also offers hundreds of programmes, from children's courses to MBA. Graduates of the 8-year programme can continue their education at BIGBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, where they receive specialised business education, support from international mentors, business angels, and institutional investors.

Contribution to Taiwan’s Future

The opening of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in Taipei promotes the development of the next generation of entrepreneurs, positively impacting the country's economy and creating new opportunities for growth and innovation.



Ken Robinson. Changing Education Paradigms